Wednesday, June 11, 2008

And the wavin' wheat can sure smell sweet

Day 3
We just sat around the pool all day. Allen's family day wasn't until day 4, so we had nothing to do but chill. It was my favorite day.

Joey can't swim. I took a picture of him not swimming.

Eric thought his phallic shaped chicken from the Golden China Buffet was hilarious and took 10+ pictures of it with my camera while I was off talking to Josh on the phone. What a nub.

I got Joey a hippo floatie and Rohaan adopted it. I would have stolen it back but he looks so darn cute floating around in it.

Eric looks just like the hippo

He stole it from Rohaan so he could play with it himself.

I took a few pictures. I know they'll come in handy when I want a favor from him someday.


Rohaan and Eric floating around the pool.

Eric is going to make such a good uncle

If he could catch him

This is Rohaan after Eric didn't catch him. He "drownded".

This concludes day 3. Day 4 will be posted tomorrow.

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