Friday, September 5, 2008


I never really update this, do I? I add dumb little entries here and there, but I hardly ever update you people. Well I suppose I'll take the time to do that now.

Josh is being moved from Bagram to Kandahar. I'm a little scared because it's a much smaller place, but it's only for three weeks and I know he'll be safe. Regardless, keep him in your prayers.

I started school two weeks ago and I end work tomorrow, only to start CNA school for two weeks on monday. I know it's only two weeks. I know I don't have a lot of stress. In fact I would like to brag for a second and remind you that I stress out less than most. especially Josh. Let me draw a diagram for you to examine our stress levels with a medium intensity stress-stimulus.




Low ---------I- High


Low -I--------- High

Ok ok. I may be exaggerating a little and it might be that I'm a little bit peeved that he got frustrated with me because I'm a horrible rogue and I'm the reason our 2v2 team has a disgustingly low rating. (didn't understand that? don't worry)

But back to the main subject: School. With SLCC school and CNA school i will be going to school next week from 7:30am until 10pm at night. Too much school in this paragraph. Lets hope I am not one to be easily burned out.

One last note:

congratulations Bonnie on catching a really good one. She got married last night and (from what I hear) the reception was beautiful. I got there just in time to snap a photo of her as she was leaving. And while I'm very happy for her I am a little sad that she is all growed up.

pretty bonnie just as she leaves to start a new life without me :(

AND they're going to Aruba. Jealous day.

1 comment:

Cassie said...

As a fellow non-stresser, I salute you. Sometimes I feel bad for not giving a crap...