Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Trench Coats OR Scumbags OR The Scariest Thing I've Seen During Halloween Season to Date.

As a last and desperate attempt to put off doing homework I decided to go to the gym. I had a wonderful work out, by the way. I was more motivated than I have been in a long while. Possibly because I had to justify whatever reasons I was not studying.
I was on my way home when I saw this.
A car with one blinking headlight. No, not one blinking turn signal, one blinking headlight. After waking up a little I realized the head light was not blinking, but there were people in front of it. They must be changing a flat tire. Sucks for them.
But when I got closer I saw what these people were actually doing.
They were swinging at something.
They were holding large blunt objects and swinging at something towards the ground.
I got closer and started going a little slower. I'm sure you can imagine how my heart started racing, my foot got a little heavier on the gas pedal, and any amount of fatigue that I was feeling before quickly disappeared when I realized they were swinging a pipe at a person on the ground.
I still can't believe it. These horrible, horrible sociopaths were beating someone.
They saw me. They looked right at my inconspicuous bright orange car shaped like a jelly bean with half the bumper missing. I wasn't too far from home either. They were less than 100 yards away from the entrance of my neighborhood.
After racing out of there at about 60 mph in a 35 mph zone I pulled into the next brightly lit gas station. Which was much further than I was to my house. But they were right outside my neighborhood. They saw my car, and if they drove by my house they would have easily been able to pick it out.
Maybe I was just being paranoid. But I know if I were a low-life scumbag like that, there would be no witnesses...
So after stopping my car and ducking down I called 911 like any good citizen would.
I was bawling.
I mean, I shouldn't have been. I had only seen something bad happening. It wasn't so bad. Well it was for whoever it was happening to, and I wasn't a part of it or a victim of it. And for going into the medical field this should be an occurrence that would prompt me to run to the victim and say "everybody back - I know first aid" rather than run the other way. Wait, never mind. No matter how much emergency training I receive, I will never, ever ever ever, run into a group of dangerous men (well, I would like to say these people were boys, real men would never do such a thing) wearing black trench coats and using oblong objects as weapons.
So after hearing a very lovely, calm voice say "911, what's your emergency?" I blurted out what happened in about .2 of a second. She had to ask me to repeat what I said two times.
After talking to the dispatcher and explaining what happened, I sat in my car for about 15 seconds.
Curiosity is my biggest downfall and I have no doubt it will get me killed someday, but I had to see if these less-than-human people were caught. I started my car, drove around my block so I would approach them from the same direction I was going before. My logic was that they had seen my car before, if they saw me coming again from the opposite way I would look suspicious. By the time I got around the block there were 4 police cars and an ambulance there. The car with the blinking headlight was there also and there were 4 people that the police had apprehended. Also with them was a blond girl, probably about my age, sitting on the curb and staring at the ground with a hardened look on her face.
At least the police were there. Maybe I was seeing things. I definitely saw them swinging large, heavy objects at something on the ground. But one thing I learned in Psych 1010 is that the brain hates inconsistencies and will fill in the blanks with what it wants to think. No, they were positively swinging at a body. Maybe it was a mannequin? I don't know why I doubt what I saw, other than I cannot believe anyone would be inhuman enough to do something so violent.
But this leaves me to my curious nature. I wonder what actually happened. Were they actually beating someone? What did the victim do that made the perpetrators think it was okay to physically hurt another human being? How hurt was he? Would there be enough evidence to lock these guys away? How can people do such horrible things? Were they abused as children? Did their daddies leave when they were babies? Did their moms do meth when they were pregnant with them? I can't find any news articles about this so it must not have been as bad as I thought. It was still scary, nonetheless.

1 comment:

dawn said...

I was driving on the highway and saw a man covered in blood laying on the side of the road and immediatly called 911. But after i called I was wondering if that was really what I saw or if I had just imagined it. I will never know.