Sunday, June 15, 2008

Sit alone and talk, and watch a hawk makin' lazy circles in the sky

So the trip is pretty much documented by now. I have some pictures from the drive home of New Mexico's plateaus, but they're pretty BORING. So on Saturday (day 6) Allen had the whole day off and we went to a BORING wildlife refuge. We saw nothing for miles except for this marker. Joey got out of the car and started flapping in the wind.


So I took a picture of it.

And Eric came by to get in on the fun too. I think that platform was made for picture taking.

We tried to get Katee to do a basket but she cannot balance on her tailbone.

Then we went to the visitor's center/museum on the premises. They displayed grass.


And we saw a snake! Oh wait, not a real snake. BORING!

Eric ate the snake.

Let me apologize for this picture. I had to post it, because it will humiliate him. But man, Eric brings out the worst in me.

We went hiking after the museum and found a millipede!

Eric ate it. Or at least made it look like he ate it to gross Joey out.

A huge green dragonfly! I couldn't get a focused picture of it.

The newlyweds and Allen's new mother-in-law.

He was hoping after he kissed it, it would turn into his prince and they would live happily ever after. I laughed so hard when the only thing that happened was he started hallucinating. KIDS! DON'T LICK TOADS!

Arg, I will apologize for these also. Remember my boredom passer? I took like 50+ pictures of myself.

Shoulda done my hair beforehand

Leave me alone

I'm dreamin of Josh.

This was the only scenic Oklahoma I saw.

But I have to admit it was very pretty.

American Bison, the state mammal.

Long-horned something. I dunno go look it up if you're that curious.


After the refuge we went to a park while Allen and Maria said goodbye. These ducks attacked me. Good thing i'm so much bigger than them and can run fast.

I made friends with this prairie-dog!

And he stole mah crackah dagnabbit!

The drive home on Route 66. It was nothing spectacular.

So there you have it. my whole trip to Oklahoma. It's a good thing my family is fun or else I woulda been bored outta my mind. I just don't have the imagination to make it fun, people.

Oh yes. I am miss negativity for 22 years and counting.

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