Monday, August 10, 2009

Ode to Claire

this is what Claire and I used to do instead of listen during sacrament.

Clairington my friend
This is a haiku for you
I might write you two

You are a true friend
Haikus put limitations
on syllables used

You like these pictures?
I had to include me too
it is my blog... girl

Thank you for my prom
That's right Claire threw me a prom
you didn't have to

That's why you are friend.
Excuse my poor grammar please
Not creative, me

I miss you all day
And every day as well, friend
please come visit me

things I miss doing with claire:

taking pictures together
whining to each other about everything
wearing pink on wednesdays (can we start this again please?)
assassinating our hair
snuggling :D
eating sushi and burritos together
eating whole pints of ice cream without even glancing at the nutritional information
writing haikus in sacrament

eating lots of things in the past that we are much too smart and attractive to eat presently
stalking people we dislike
making out with the bathroom door painting in Ichiban
handing out each others numbers to strange men
knocking people off our hit list one by one
coming up with really dumb band names together
thinking about how MAHvelous boring tables would look with severed heads as centerpieces (how indecent!)

Claire, thank you for being the bestestest of friends. You are the most beautiful person I know and I'm not just saying that because I want you to come visit me but I hope it persuades you a little. Happy birthday to you (on friday) Please say hello to my soul. I luv lub jub you,
Mandee (your heterosexual life partner)

^our contract where I gave you my soul. ^

1 comment:

Claire Bagley Hayes said...

I lub jub luv wuv lesser than three you!!!!

I miss all those this plus MORE. I guess you'll just have to wait till your birthday to find out...

I love you. Madly.