Monday, August 24, 2009

sweet sherylyn

For those of you who don't know, I'm not sure how to articulate it so I'm just going to come out and say it. Late thursday night Josh's little sister was killed in a car accident.

see her obituary here.

I just want to thank everyone for the large amount of support our family has recieved since the accident. Because of all the love from our friends, family and neighbors, our grief has been reduced a considerable amount. In the words of Mother-in-law:

we can feel your prayers, they're like little drops of rain that grieve with us and help wash away our pain

luv lub jub,


Becca Lund said...

Mandee, I am so sorry for your and Josh's family's loss. How lucky we are to know of the plan of salvation! I love you and you are in y thoughts and prayers.

Michelle said...

Wow, I am so sorry, Mandee! My prayers are with you and your family.

Bonnie Boo said...

We all love you so much! You are in our prayers. Come and visit soon.

The Steeves said...

Oh my gosh Mandee, I'm so sorry. God needed her more than we did or else he wouldn't have taken her away. Like Becca's comment, we are definately lucky to know of the plan of salvation! My prayers are with you and your family. I wish there was something I could do to help you guys. If there is anything, let me know.

Noell said...

Mandee and Josh - We are so very sorry to hear such heart wrenching news. Oh how we pray your hearts will be flooded with love and comfort - our prayers are with all your family. All our Love ~ Steven & Noell